Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 2: Mantanita, Ecuador - Part 2: The Ocean Calls

Reporting from Pappilon Restaurant in Mantanita, Ecuador

After our 40 minute flight to Guayaquil from Quito, we met our guide Gabriel who is awesome! What a great guy... he is Ecuadorian but speaks arguably better English than I. Attached are some pictures of our current situation. After a 2.5 hour drive from Guayaquil, we arrived on the Pacific Coast, halfway between Salinas and Manta. We are staying at a simple hotel/hostel tonight before we head further south tomorrow.

So here are some pictures of where we are. The first is up on a higher elevation where our hotel is is. The four amigos are also included... at the far right is Gabriel our guide. I know, I know... he makes us all look bad. Great guy. Then the final picture is me talking on the phone while the sun sets into the Pacific Ocean.

The temperature on the coast is roughly 80-85 degrees with a nice ocean breeze. So not too hot at all. We drank some great local beers at a local tiki bar and we are now in the main town at a restaurant.

We travelled through some real authentic towns on our way from Guayaquil that really gave us a feel for "authentic" Ecuador. The highway was really nice and smooth. I have to say that what I have seen in Ecuador, the infrastructure is pretty darn good. The roads are pretty good outside of the big cities.

So we are having a blast on the coast! This is absolute paradise! Mantanita is kind of a college/surfing crowd which is kind of a nice vibe! Lots of Americans down here that we have met. Some of which have moved here and their only regret is they did not do it years earlier.

Tomorrow we head south to Salinas, where I hope to provide another update!

Ok, well my Mahi Mahi platter is here which was caught this morning by local fisherman! Hopefully talk to you all tomorrow!

Did you know: Mt. Everest is not the highest point in the world. Due to the bulge of the Earth at the equator a mountain here in Ecuador here is the highest point. Mt Everest is the highest point from sea level, not the highest point on the planet.

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